Technology is evolving in all areas of life, and optics is right up there at the forefront of technological advancements.
Have you been thinking about trying contact lenses for the first time or has it been some time since you last wore contact lenses? Now is the time to talk to us about the latest advances in material, design and overall comfort.
Contact lenses provide freedom and comfort to do all those things you thought might not be possible with glasses. This is an opportunity for people to see the real you without your glasses.
Whilst the majority of contact lenses these days are soft contact lenses; some still wear a rigid or hard contact lens.
Whether you would like to wear contact lenses every day or just occasionally, correct design and fitting is essential for comfort, safety and accurate vision. Let Bruce assess your suitability for contact lens wear and identify the lens which best fits your eyes, gives you optimum vision correction and suits your lifestyle.