Contact lenses are a great, versatile option for when you prefer not to wear glasses. Let our expert optometrists find the perfect solution for your needs.
Technology is evolving in all areas of life, and optics is right up there at the forefront of technological advancements.
Have you been thinking about trying contact lenses for the first time or has it been some time since you last wore contact lenses? Now is the time to talk to us about the latest advances in material, design and overall comfort.
Contact lenses provide freedom and comfort to do all those things you thought might not be possible with glasses. This is an opportunity for people to see the real you - without your glasses.
Whilst the majority of contact lenses these days are soft contact lenses; some still wear a rigid or hard contact lens.
Whether you would like to wear contact lenses every day or just occasionally, correct design and fitting is essential for comfort, safety and accurate vision. As Cairns contact lens experts, let us assess your suitability for contact lens wear and identify the lens which best fits your eyes, gives you optimum vision correction and suits your lifestyle.
Soft lenses are the most common option that people choose. Made from soft, flexible plastic, they allow oxygen to pass to the eyes better than their harder counterparts.
Soft contact lenses usually have a short adaptation period, meaning you can usually get used to them very quickly.
Soft contact lenses usually have a higher water content than other types of contact lens, which is what helps with comfort and allows for oxygen to reach your eye. However, higher water content makes them more fragile.
Also referred to as RGP (rigid gas permeable) lenses, hard lenses are made from a stronger plastic than soft contact lenses and whilst being more rigid still allow for oxygen to pass to the eye.
Their rigidity allows for more extreme ocular corrections, so if your eyesight is particularly poor you may find that hard lenses are a better option for you. They also help with a wider variety of conditions than what soft lenses can.
Hard lenses are a bit less comfortable than their softer counterparts, and take longer to get used to.
Multifocal lenses give you the ability to have a number of different prescriptions included in your contact lenses.
In the past, single vision lenses were the norm – lenses could only be created to treat one issue at a time, and generally only helped with one task.
Now, multifocal contact lenses can help with both near- and far-sightedness at the same time, as well as a wide array of conditions.
Bruce Mellick Optometry offer a comprehensive service from eye examinations, lens and contact lenses consultations, treatments for ocular conditions, to an exceptional selection of stylish designer frames.
You can find us on the corner of Abbott St and Minnie St, Cairns.