The EyeCare Corner
Est: 1974

Retinal Imaging

Half a million Australians are affected by vision impairment or blindness. 75% of these conditions are preventable or treatable.*

Retinal Imaging Explained

Retinal imaging is a recent technological advancement in eyecare. It enables your optometrist to capture a digital image of the retina, blood vessels and optic nerve located at the back of your eyes.

This aids in the early detection and management of diseases that can affect both your eyes and overall health. This includes glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetes and hypertension. With retinal imaging technology, the subtlest changes to the structures at the back of your eyes can be detected.

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How Retinal Imaging Works

It's just like having a normal picture taken. This is a simple, painless test that takes a few minutes to complete. Your optometrist will take a digital image of the back of each eye, which is then uploaded onto a computer screen. Your optometrist can view it instantly and discuss our findings with you, then store these electronically ready for comparison on your next visit, allowing them to monitor any changes over time.

Benefits of Retinal Imaging

Your optometrists can manage your eye health better than ever before with retinal imaging. It allows for a more detailed view that cannot be achieved by conventional methods. By monitoring any changes to the back of your eyes, immediate treatment or a referral to another health care professional can be provided.

Early detection is so important because treatment at an early stage can delay progression and reduce the severity of eye diseases and other health conditions including diabetes. For a future of healthy sight, retinal imaging is recommended every two years as part of your regular eye examination.

Retinal imaging is not currently covered by Medicare. The additional fee will be discussed with you beforehand.

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Bruce Mellick Optometry